Did you know that there are over 2.4 million funerals in the United States per year?
Unfortunately, this is something that comes with life. However, the funeral itself can turn into a celebration of somebody's life.
To do this, you have to have the right music for funerals. That means having uplifting funeral music and trying to keep the mood as positive as you can.
So, what music can you play to do this? Here are some suggestions from us.
Religious Music
If the person that passes is someone who was religious, one thing that you can do is choose from uplifting religious music. Some people keep this simple and just have an organ play at the church.
These can be common hymns that you may hear played during a Mass. If there is a song that this person particularly enjoyed hearing, try to play that one during a funeral ceremony.
Believe it or not, more people may go this route than you think. In 2021, nearly half of Americans said the religious aspect was an important part of a funeral.
So, do not be surprised if you see a decent amount of people going this route in the future.
Classical Songs
Songs that are considered timeless but not as religious may be the route that you want to go for this funeral. Not everyone may be comfortable with a hymn, but you can still find plenty of appropriate songs for a ceremony here.
An example of this would be "Ave Maria." It is arguably one of the most popular song choices for funerals and for good reason. The song represents a prayer and a request to bless and watch over the person who just passed.
Another song that you can choose in this category is "Amazing Grace." This song can represent what an amazing person the funeral is for. The song can also represent that the deceased person has now found peace.
Modern Songs
Finally, if you want to go a more unique route for this, you may consider choosing a more modern song to play at a funeral ceremony. You should still make sure that it is an appropriate song for a ceremony, but it can be a nice change of pace.
An example of a great song for this can be "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. You could also choose a song such as "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin.
No matter what you choose, make sure it is something that the deceased person would have liked.
See More Music for Funerals
These are just a few suggestions that we have when it comes to music for funerals. You have a few different routes you can take with this, but the main takeaway here is that the music should be uplifting for those at the ceremony.
Do you want to know more about funeral music? Request information from us today.